Friday, December 19, 2008

Sweet child of mine

OK, this child of mine is quite confusing. He gets totally upset if someone laughs at him, but yet he wants me to make this video to put on our blog to see what kind of comments I would get. He's no Lionel Richie that's for sure. Not much for lyrics either since he's singing the song wrong. Not very good in the wardrobe department. I just took that coat out of the dryer and since it was warm, he felt the need to have it on his head. (Some things are just not meant to be understood.) Anyway, here it goes. I wonder how many of you can even figure out what song he is singing.


Jtammy said...

Well he's totally cute, and I *think* he's singing Easy like Sunday morning. Tell him to sing louder next time though!

veronica said...

he did a good job singing. do you all go to karaoke often? dave sings a lionel richie medley for me sometimes. and i enjoy that too.

DJ said...

I was just going to mention my medley, but I see Roni beat me to it.
It was a bit hard to hear him, but it sounded like he was pretty close with the song.
I guess now I'll sail on down the line...(Another Lionel Richie reference, for ones that aren't fans.)

Michellem said...

I, too, do my best singing with something warm on the top of my head - He was totally channeling Lionel Ritchie - I'll bet that while we are there next week he will be, "Dancing on the Ceiling"!!

Kisha said...

Look at me. I'm discovering facebook and I even found my way around to commenting on your blog.I believe I'm hearing "Easy Like Sunday Morning". I've been wanting to do Karaoke. Perhaps Spencer would like to be my partner.