Monday, November 17, 2008

Bragging time

I have to take a few minutes to brag on my boy. I don't do that enough most days. He has been doing really well in school this year, especially in his reading. They are required to read enough books to have 25 AR points per nine weeks. (For those of you reading this that are clueless, that is the equivalent of 50 picture books.) So that means they have to have 100 points by the end of the year. Well, Spencer and another boy in his class reached the 100 point goal about ten weeks into school, so their teacher gave them a day off. They got to pick the day and they decided to do it together so they would have someone to play with. They got to bring their Nintendo DS's and Spencer brought his Playstation 2 (the teacher provided the TV) and she also had snacks for them. They are not supposed to bring any electronics to school so he was a little stressed. His teacher was laughing at him because he told her that he put everything in his back pack that he normally brings because he thought everyone would assume it was books and not check it. If anyone had even looked at his face, they would have known something was up for sure. There were no checks though and they got to enjoy a day chilling out as you can see in the picture. When they reach 150, they get another day, so we have some heavy reading going on at home. The other thing his teacher told me was that he tested highest in the class on his reading level. They test them every year at the beginning of the year so they know what level books they should be reading to challenge them. He tested at a 9.5 grade level. Since he is just in 4th grade, his teacher said to stick with 4-6 grade books. I said no problem. Can you imagine how hard it would be to find a fourth grader books he could read on that level? I did some research at work and found that the Janet Evanovich books that many of my friends and I enjoy are only a 3 to 5 grade reading level. How depressing is that! My fourth grader is out reading me! It was bound to happen I guess. I'm too old for reading challenges. There are plenty of others out there for me. I'll leave the reading challenges to Spencer for now.


veronica said...

kids reading is always a surprise these days. you should be proud!

Michellem said...

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, you know!! I'm not surprised at all! - Good job, Spence!!!

DJ said...

Now I wonder what level I read on?
I think I have to be at least 2nd or 3rd grade, because I was able to read most of the words in this post. Well, not most of the words, but some of them.
Keep them kids reading!