Friday, December 19, 2008

Sweet child of mine

OK, this child of mine is quite confusing. He gets totally upset if someone laughs at him, but yet he wants me to make this video to put on our blog to see what kind of comments I would get. He's no Lionel Richie that's for sure. Not much for lyrics either since he's singing the song wrong. Not very good in the wardrobe department. I just took that coat out of the dryer and since it was warm, he felt the need to have it on his head. (Some things are just not meant to be understood.) Anyway, here it goes. I wonder how many of you can even figure out what song he is singing.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow Video: Sequel

This is just a video of the snow. Nothing too exciting unless you were here. I discovered that I preferred taking my snow pictures from behind glass even if you can't get the same pictures.

Live Snow

Are you up for a couple of videos? Sorry, I couldn't resist in my snow picture taking frenzy. I'm only posting two of them though. How many of you are afraid to know how many I took?

This is one of Steve and Spencer's snowball fight.

Snow Day

Oh, the joys of a snow day. It happens so rarely in Mississippi, so we always take entirely too many pictures of it. Look, it's on my car! Look, it's on my roof! Look, you can see it in the grass now! So if you are looking at these pictures from another state, please try not to laugh. We probably got four or five inches of snow today and that is a big deal for us. We will have a high of 50 degrees tomorrow and highs in the 60s all next week. That's not even sweater weather. One day of snow is enough to let us know we did have winter though. Hope you like the pictures.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy 19!

Steve and my anniversary was on the 24th of November. It's been 19 years. I can't believe how fast it has went by. This year we went to Natchez for the weekend. We wanted to ride our motorcycles but since the high was only in the 40s when we left on Friday , we decided to haul them and ride them around when we got there. We really had a good time. We saw some cool sights and went some places we've been wanting to see. We went to St. Francisville, LA the first night and rode to Morganza, LA which involved a ferry ride across the Mississippi River. That was a cool experience. Also unique considering they are building a bridge there and the ferry will be done away with when it is finished. We also got to eat at Mammy's Cupboard. I've always wanted to eat there. How many places can you go shaped like a giant Mammy? Awesome food too. I highly recommend it. We also had to go to the famous Donut Shop. It was featured by Alton Brown on the Food Network. They were the best donuts I have had in a long time too. That place was busy all the time.
We really enjoyed our time in Natchez. We were there Friday through Sunday and then Joyce and Spencer joined us on Monday and we did some things with them also. I'll post those later. Just wanted to share a few pictures.