Friday, September 26, 2008

Greg's Visit

We had such a great time when Greg was here. We just hung out and rode motorcycles and enjoyed the beautiful Mississippi fall weather. This is my favorite time of year if you haven't guessed already. I think one of Spencer's favorite things was Greg's new car. He recently bought a Toyota Spyder. Very cool ride! I know when he and Steve came to see me at the library Monday afternoon they left some of my senior citizens fanning as they pulled away. Of course Greg took him to school one morning to give Spencer a chance to show off. I don't think Greg minded that much either. When they got close to where Spencer's drop off is, Greg said he asked him if he wanted to get out there and Spencer told to just wait until they got up to the sidewalk because there were more kids there. He's no dummy. You've got to maximize your cool moments in life because for most of us they are few and far between.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ms. Earlene's

Greg was visiting this week and it was perfect motorcycle weather. Mom, Steve, Greg and I went riding of course (Greg on Dad's Fat Boy). First we went to Meridian to the Harley shop and then we went to a place I had heard about at the library from Mrs. Logan and Martha (members of my awesome book club in Lake). The name of it is Davey's but everyone calls it Ms. Earlene's after the owner. It's south of Newton about 14 miles on Hwy. 15. You would never stop there and if there weren't cars there, you would probably think it's an abandoned building. Best southern food you are going to get anywhere though. It's like Cracker Barrel on steroids. You fill your own plate and often have to share your table with other guests. She asked us to sign the guest book and in looking through it we found names from all over the US from Maine to California as well as Belguim, Germany, France, Italy and England. You don't just get a meal there. You get an experience. There truly aren't too many of those left, so I'm glad we could share it with Greg. Hope he comes back soon, so we can share it again.
PS We did this yesterday which happened to be Greg's birthday. Cool way to turn 4?. We'll leave that a question mark since he is only about 25 at heart. :*)

Rodrigue Studio

After much work, I finally got Spencer to take an art class this year. He didn't want to do it because he felt he had better things to do with his time after school. Well, the first week they studied the Blue Dog paintings. Rodrigue is an artist from New Iberia, LA. We were in the New Orleans area last weekend for a wedding and I saw something in a magazine about his studio a block off Jackson square. We went to check it out and it was actually open on a Sunday. Spencer was thrilled and took a bunch of pictures and I took a couple of my own. It kind of made me nervous being in there taking pictures with him because one of the sales ladies was working with some customers while we were there and the lowest price I heard come out of her mouth was $15,000. Wow! Don't touch anything, Spence and make sure the flash is off. Hopefully, this will help keep him interested in art class though.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In the Beginning...

I thought this might be a good way to keep up with everyone and let them know what is going on in our little corner of the world. It's easier to post something once then to e-mail things and hope it goes through and hope I don't forget anyone. We'll see how it goes. Hope to hear from you.