Friday, December 19, 2008

Sweet child of mine

OK, this child of mine is quite confusing. He gets totally upset if someone laughs at him, but yet he wants me to make this video to put on our blog to see what kind of comments I would get. He's no Lionel Richie that's for sure. Not much for lyrics either since he's singing the song wrong. Not very good in the wardrobe department. I just took that coat out of the dryer and since it was warm, he felt the need to have it on his head. (Some things are just not meant to be understood.) Anyway, here it goes. I wonder how many of you can even figure out what song he is singing.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow Video: Sequel

This is just a video of the snow. Nothing too exciting unless you were here. I discovered that I preferred taking my snow pictures from behind glass even if you can't get the same pictures.

Live Snow

Are you up for a couple of videos? Sorry, I couldn't resist in my snow picture taking frenzy. I'm only posting two of them though. How many of you are afraid to know how many I took?

This is one of Steve and Spencer's snowball fight.

Snow Day

Oh, the joys of a snow day. It happens so rarely in Mississippi, so we always take entirely too many pictures of it. Look, it's on my car! Look, it's on my roof! Look, you can see it in the grass now! So if you are looking at these pictures from another state, please try not to laugh. We probably got four or five inches of snow today and that is a big deal for us. We will have a high of 50 degrees tomorrow and highs in the 60s all next week. That's not even sweater weather. One day of snow is enough to let us know we did have winter though. Hope you like the pictures.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy 19!

Steve and my anniversary was on the 24th of November. It's been 19 years. I can't believe how fast it has went by. This year we went to Natchez for the weekend. We wanted to ride our motorcycles but since the high was only in the 40s when we left on Friday , we decided to haul them and ride them around when we got there. We really had a good time. We saw some cool sights and went some places we've been wanting to see. We went to St. Francisville, LA the first night and rode to Morganza, LA which involved a ferry ride across the Mississippi River. That was a cool experience. Also unique considering they are building a bridge there and the ferry will be done away with when it is finished. We also got to eat at Mammy's Cupboard. I've always wanted to eat there. How many places can you go shaped like a giant Mammy? Awesome food too. I highly recommend it. We also had to go to the famous Donut Shop. It was featured by Alton Brown on the Food Network. They were the best donuts I have had in a long time too. That place was busy all the time.
We really enjoyed our time in Natchez. We were there Friday through Sunday and then Joyce and Spencer joined us on Monday and we did some things with them also. I'll post those later. Just wanted to share a few pictures.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Bragging time

I have to take a few minutes to brag on my boy. I don't do that enough most days. He has been doing really well in school this year, especially in his reading. They are required to read enough books to have 25 AR points per nine weeks. (For those of you reading this that are clueless, that is the equivalent of 50 picture books.) So that means they have to have 100 points by the end of the year. Well, Spencer and another boy in his class reached the 100 point goal about ten weeks into school, so their teacher gave them a day off. They got to pick the day and they decided to do it together so they would have someone to play with. They got to bring their Nintendo DS's and Spencer brought his Playstation 2 (the teacher provided the TV) and she also had snacks for them. They are not supposed to bring any electronics to school so he was a little stressed. His teacher was laughing at him because he told her that he put everything in his back pack that he normally brings because he thought everyone would assume it was books and not check it. If anyone had even looked at his face, they would have known something was up for sure. There were no checks though and they got to enjoy a day chilling out as you can see in the picture. When they reach 150, they get another day, so we have some heavy reading going on at home. The other thing his teacher told me was that he tested highest in the class on his reading level. They test them every year at the beginning of the year so they know what level books they should be reading to challenge them. He tested at a 9.5 grade level. Since he is just in 4th grade, his teacher said to stick with 4-6 grade books. I said no problem. Can you imagine how hard it would be to find a fourth grader books he could read on that level? I did some research at work and found that the Janet Evanovich books that many of my friends and I enjoy are only a 3 to 5 grade reading level. How depressing is that! My fourth grader is out reading me! It was bound to happen I guess. I'm too old for reading challenges. There are plenty of others out there for me. I'll leave the reading challenges to Spencer for now.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bonfire 2008

Well, it was time to have another bonfire party. We have not had one since after Katrina when we had so many limbs to burn. We had some more storm damage this year, so it was time to get some fun out of it. We also had a new feature this year - live music! That was a big hit. Steve's helper Matt that worked with him in the ladders last year plays with some other guys, so we asked them if they would play for our party. They were down a few key players so they found people to fill in from elsewhere. Come to find out the people who filled in came all the way from Louisiana down around the Houma and Raceland area. So we had some true Cajuns among us. They even had some original music. Good stuff! Of course we had a hayride and fireworks. That is a must. This year we had another first that was interesting. Someone called the police. Apparently a neighbor heard the fireworks and thought they were gunshots. They called the sheriff's dept. who in turn called us and when they didn't receive an answer, they sent out two cars. They were happy to see it was just a party. I told them to tell our neighbor thank you because I would rather have ones like that than ones that look the other way.
We had around 40 to 50 people here. I think everyone had a great time. I know we did. The weather was great. I don't think it could have went better. We can't wait until next time. It's time to start the next brush pile, so we'll be ready.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Time change confusion

The time change is always a big deal in our house every year. Steve is grumpy because the days are shorter. The cat is freaking out in the morning because she can't figure out why the house is still so quiet and no one is feeding her even though yesterday at the same time it was full of activity. This usually results in a lot of jumping on the bed and sniffing faces and meowing which makes Steve even grumpier. There was an unusual bit of confusion last night though. The three of us took our motorcycles for a ride to Lake to hang something at the library and then we went to supper in Forest at the Mexican restaurant. Naturally, it got dark while we were there since the time had changed the night before. The ride home was a bit chillier than we expected as a result of that as well. When we got home it was around 6 and Spencer announced that he was going to bed. I assumed it was to warm up. Well, lo and behold he was ready for bed! I talked him into getting up and taking a shower. Then Steve went in and said prayers with him. He was giving me this look that said "Are you going to tell him?" I was giving him a look that said "I will kill you and cut your body into small pieces and feed it to the dogs if you say one word." (You know that look. All mothers have it.) Well after that, Steve went out to the shop and Spencer did a couple more bed preparation things such as get his cat and a drink, etc. (You have no idea how many things he has to do to get ready for bed. That was part of where the look came from.) Then as he was rounding the hallway to head to his room after having said final good nights he stopped and looked at me and said "What time is it?" My shoulders dropped at this point and I was probably only about 5' 5" at that moment. I couldn't lie and say something cute like "Bedtime" as I would have when he was 3 or 4. I had to tell the truth. He can read and tell time now. With a huge sigh I said "7:20" to which he responded "Well I still have an hour and ten minutes then." And that's all I've got to say about that.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Will they survive?!?

It's always debatable when you leave males on their own. I have a conference that I am leaving for tomorrow for the library. I will not return until Friday evening. (*******^^^^******) That was my suppressed squeal of delight. Now I have all the laundry done and lunches prepared as well as suppers. I have instructions posted on the refrigerator and I'm only a phone call away. (If I can hear the phone, that is. You know librarians like to party hearty.) I have left them twice before for these kinds of things and they did fine. I have to admit that every time it does make me a little nervous. Not nervous enough to say I'm not going. What do you think I'm an idiot? This is as close as I'm going to get to an all expense paid vacation. And it is in Natchez after all. It's not like it's in Podunk, MS. Anyway, I digress. I'm sure they will be fine. For now, we'll call it Survivor: Swink House. That sure sounds better than what I think Steve is calling it in his mind.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's not a diorama. It's a habitat!

Oh, the joy of having a nine-year-old! I realize it is only going to get worse until he's probably 30 and he realizes I do know a few things. The problem is that by then I'll be 60 and will probably have forgotten most of them. The assignment was to create a desert HABITAT in a diorama format. I think he did pretty good. He got a good grade and that is the main thing. It is amazing what can be done with Playdoh, toothpicks, google images, dirt from the driveway, cheap toys and of course the necessity of any school project - hot glue. Especially when these things are having to be done the night before the project was due. After we got going and found a common ground, things went pretty smooth. He certainly looks proud of it. He also had to get in front of the class and talk about his habitat. His teacher said he did excellent on that. That made us happy too. At least this was good practice for the reading fair which will be in a few months. I imagine I'll need a stiff drink after that project too.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Selena Bueller's Class Off

Well, when Greg was here for a visit, we made a deal. I had to sub at the high school and he and Steve wanted to ride motorcycles. Since Greg did not have a motorcylce here, I told him that he could ride mine if I could take his car. I fully expected him to laugh in my face, but surprisingly he said yes. After I got over the initial shock, I grabbed the keys and ran. I got off to a bit of a slow start since I wasn't used to the car and its clutch. I did enjoy having the top down and the looks I got from the kids at the school when I pulled up though. About 11, I had a class off and I decided to take the delicious Spyder for one last spin. (Get it. Spyder - spin) That was when I knew how Ferris Bueller felt in the movie. I felt a little naughty because school was still in session even though I had every right to be gone. Plus, even though I was in such a cool car, I still looked like as much of a dork as Ferris did because I couldn't wipe the big, dumb grin off my face at every stop light. I zipped by the Forest library to show off and got some coffee at Cups and then after checking in with the guys who were in town on the bikes, it was time to go back to work. I loved my 50 minutes of seeing how the other half lives. Once I was used to the car, it was a very fun drive. I plead the fifth on how much fun though. I didn't even have to have a Cameron to weigh me down. (Spencer was still in school.) So I have to thank Greg for giving me a taste of the finer things. I hope he had as much fun on my Harley as I did in his car.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Greg's Visit

We had such a great time when Greg was here. We just hung out and rode motorcycles and enjoyed the beautiful Mississippi fall weather. This is my favorite time of year if you haven't guessed already. I think one of Spencer's favorite things was Greg's new car. He recently bought a Toyota Spyder. Very cool ride! I know when he and Steve came to see me at the library Monday afternoon they left some of my senior citizens fanning as they pulled away. Of course Greg took him to school one morning to give Spencer a chance to show off. I don't think Greg minded that much either. When they got close to where Spencer's drop off is, Greg said he asked him if he wanted to get out there and Spencer told to just wait until they got up to the sidewalk because there were more kids there. He's no dummy. You've got to maximize your cool moments in life because for most of us they are few and far between.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ms. Earlene's

Greg was visiting this week and it was perfect motorcycle weather. Mom, Steve, Greg and I went riding of course (Greg on Dad's Fat Boy). First we went to Meridian to the Harley shop and then we went to a place I had heard about at the library from Mrs. Logan and Martha (members of my awesome book club in Lake). The name of it is Davey's but everyone calls it Ms. Earlene's after the owner. It's south of Newton about 14 miles on Hwy. 15. You would never stop there and if there weren't cars there, you would probably think it's an abandoned building. Best southern food you are going to get anywhere though. It's like Cracker Barrel on steroids. You fill your own plate and often have to share your table with other guests. She asked us to sign the guest book and in looking through it we found names from all over the US from Maine to California as well as Belguim, Germany, France, Italy and England. You don't just get a meal there. You get an experience. There truly aren't too many of those left, so I'm glad we could share it with Greg. Hope he comes back soon, so we can share it again.
PS We did this yesterday which happened to be Greg's birthday. Cool way to turn 4?. We'll leave that a question mark since he is only about 25 at heart. :*)

Rodrigue Studio

After much work, I finally got Spencer to take an art class this year. He didn't want to do it because he felt he had better things to do with his time after school. Well, the first week they studied the Blue Dog paintings. Rodrigue is an artist from New Iberia, LA. We were in the New Orleans area last weekend for a wedding and I saw something in a magazine about his studio a block off Jackson square. We went to check it out and it was actually open on a Sunday. Spencer was thrilled and took a bunch of pictures and I took a couple of my own. It kind of made me nervous being in there taking pictures with him because one of the sales ladies was working with some customers while we were there and the lowest price I heard come out of her mouth was $15,000. Wow! Don't touch anything, Spence and make sure the flash is off. Hopefully, this will help keep him interested in art class though.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In the Beginning...

I thought this might be a good way to keep up with everyone and let them know what is going on in our little corner of the world. It's easier to post something once then to e-mail things and hope it goes through and hope I don't forget anyone. We'll see how it goes. Hope to hear from you.